Picture Package with Smart Objects

When is a copy not a copy? When it is a copy of a Smart Object! In Photoshop, there are two very different ways to create copies of Smart Objects, and each of these has unique and special qualities and behaviors, which we’ll review right here.
In Photoshop CS4, Adobe “retired” the Picture Package script from the released Photoshop product, although they have, and still do make it available as a download. Many people have worried, fretted and fumed over this omission. But, with Smart Objects, we can create our own Picture Package in Photoshop – better, stronger and faster. Let me show you how.
Before we get started, however, a note for anyone using Photoshop CS5. Adobe has added a new option in preferences that controls how raster images are placed into images. If you’re following along with Photoshop CS5, you’ll want to select Edit > Preferences and make sure you have checked the option for “Place or Drag Raster Images as Smart Objects.”


Users of Photoshop CS4 or CS3 won’t need to do this.

Now, let’s create our Picture Package template. Open a new document, 11 inches wide by 8.5 inches tall (US standard paper size, you can adjust to your local taste). Then, show rulers (Control-R/Command-R) and drag out guides to define the locations where you want your pictures to go. In this case, I’ve created a document that will hold one 5×7 image, and four 2.5×3.5 images. For best results, you should keep the aspect ration the same for all images in the document:


Now, with CS5 I’ll open the Mini Bridge, and drag an image file onto my document. This will have the same effect as File > Place…, and you can use that command in older versions of Photoshop to get the same results:


When the document appears on the workspace, it will have the large “X” through it, indicating that you are placing the file. At this point you can move and resize it. I’ll move it into position on the left side and resize it to fill the 5×7 frame. It helps to have “snap” enabled (View > Snap To > Guides). Then, in order to commit the placement, I’ll click the checkmark icon:


Notice that the image has been placed as a Smart Object, as evidenced by the package icon in the Layers panel. I’ve changed the name of the layer to “Photo:”


Now, to make the copies. Make sure that the Photo layer is selected, and press Control-J (Command-J), or choose Layer > New > Layer via Copy. This creates a second smart object which is linked to the first smart object. This is a key concept when copying Smart Objects in this way.


Now, I’ll use Edit > Free Transform (Control-T/Command-T) to move and resize the copy of the image into position in one of the smaller cells:


Now, I’ll repeat that three more times to fill the remaining cells. Control-J, Control-T, Drag, Checkmark:


There you have it! Your finished Picture Package… for a 5×7 and four 2.5×3.5 images, ready to be printed.
Not so easy, you say? Lots of work? Here’s the kicker: You never have to do this, ever again! You can reuse this over and over. This is due to the way we copied the Smart Objects, using “New Layer via Copy,” and the fact that in doing so we created four copies that are linked to the first object. Here’s how we put this principle to use in a reusable template:
Start with the image we just created, with the five Smart Objects placed into the Picture Package template. Now, right-click (command click) on any of the Smart Object Layers, and choose “Replace Contents.”


Then navigate to another image (for best results, it should be the same size and aspect ratio). Select it and choose “Place.”


That’s all there is to it. Your Picture Package is updated with the new image, thanks to the capabilities of Smart Objects. Since all the copies are linked together, replacing the contents of one, replaces the contents of all of them, simultaneously!


As long as your new images have the same dimension, you can swap them out endlessly, making this a useful part of a photographer’s workflow. You can create as many of these Picture Package templates as you like, with different combinations of sizes to suit your needs, but remember: you only have to create them once – then you can use them over, and over, and over…
I hope this gives you some ideas for using the power of Smart Objects. Join me next week, as we look at another way to copy and use Smart Objects, with completely different results.

Design a Realistic Website Layout in Photoshop

Open a new document with the following size: 960 x 900 pixels
Now go to Grafplus.com and download the following texture:
Place the texture on your layout

image 1

Over this great wood texture I will place a stock image with a notebook

image 2

I will create a new layer under this notebook, and with Brush Tool I will create a shadow

image 3
image 4

I will create another layer above the notebook layer, and one more time with Brush Tool I will add a shadow in the middle of my notebook

image 5

On the header of this layout I will add some images with a moleskine notebook, a cup of coffee, a pocket calculator, and a pair of glasses

Please click on the following image to see the full size layout

image 6

Over the Moleskine notebook I will write some text with Horizontal Type Tool. Then I will press on CTRL+T and I will rotate the text until it will look like in the following image

image 7

I have used the following fonts: Segoe Script on the left side and Dillenia UPC on the right side. You can use any font you like

Then I will place some check marks near the text. I have used Custom Shape Tool to place those check marks

image 8

This is my result

image 9

I will continue to add more stock images. On the bottom I will add a nice leaf, and a butterfly

image 10

And on the right side I will add a nice pencil

image 11

I will add some text on the notebook

image 12

You can place one of the texture you like most on your document, then go to Image > adjustments > desaturate. As you can see another texture will transform this layout very much

image 13

Now I will add also another stock image with an old notebook

image 14

Download this PSD layout and you will be able to play with the settings. This is my final PSD layout

image 15

Advanced masking method 1

Before We Get Started

For this tutorial you are going to need:

Back Ground
Step 1 Create new channel using Calculations
This tool merges two channels for creating a new one. This is great because we can create a new channel that contrasts the model and the background.
a)    Open your image and double click on it in layers palette to make it editable
b)    Select the channels palette
c)    Select Calculations in the top menu: Image > Calculations

 d)    This tool merges two channels for creating a new one. Usually we select the red one above and the blue one below. In this case because of the contrast between the hair and the sky we will select the Green channel above and the blue below.

e)    Now for the mask to work we need that the inside of the model is completely with an the background black, so we select invert the blue channel

f)      Now we set the blending mode to subtract with a 100 percent offset (90% of the cases you will use this blending mode)
g)    Select Ok to create the new channel. This will appear in the channels palette as Alpha 1

As you can se all the hair strains are perfect white and insolated.

It is very important to notice that these are the settings for this particular image. Every image is different so according to the case you will have to play with the settings like the channels or the blending mode to achieve the best mask.

Step 2 Creating path for the face

Now as you can see certain areas of the face and part of the neck and body are not perfect white.

Since this is made of curves we can use the pen tool for this areas

a)    Deselect the new alpha 1 channel, select the RGB

b)    Create a new path using the pen tool following the face contour and selecting parts of the head, neck and body

c)    For this tutorial we are assuming you are familiar with the pen tool. In case you are not next week we are going to publish a tutorial specifically for pen tool.
d)    Select path in the palettes and in the options select make selection

e)    Enter a feather radius of .5 pixels

f)      Return to the alpha channel (select only this channel) and paint this mask with white.

Step 3 fine adjusting
We still have some areas like gray or with small part of white, and it should be perfect white and black

a) Select a soft brush

b) Set the mode of the brush to overlay, if you select a white color it will only paint in the white parts, not painting the black ones (important the brush must be set to overlay)

c) Now select a black color to fine paint the black parts
d) Your channel should look like this:
image 12

Step 4 Create the mask
a)    Deselect the alpha 1 channel and select the RGB
b)  Return to layers
c)  Load the selection, in the top menu: Select > Load Selection

image 13
 d)  Select the Alpha Channel 1 and click on invert

image 14
e)  Now delete the background
image 15
Step 5 Fine adjusting hair
Now we have some fringe (blue color in the hair) caused from the blue background, there are different forms to correct this.
image 16
a) Create a new layer
b) Load the alpha channel mask Repeat C and D from step 4 but DONT SELECT INVERT this time)
c) Remove the inner part of the mask (face and neck) you can do this using the polygonal lasso selecting subtract from the selection.
image 17
image 18
d) Using the eye dropper sample some color of the hair and paint the selection with this color
image 19
e) Soft the inner part of the mask using a soft brush with the eraser tool
image 20
f) Set the blending mode to color
image 21
g) Duplicate this layer and set the blending mode to overlay at 35%
image 22
Now we can use any background and we have all of our hair even the thinnest strings.
Advanced masking method 1
Next part of this tutorial will be done with a blond model because the calculations change.

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